{"BOOK":{"CALENDAR_INVITE":"A calendar invite has been sent to your email address.","ERROR_OCCURRED":"An error occurred.","MEETING_TIME_UNAVAILABLE":"Meeting time unavailable","PROBLEM_LOADING_MEETING":" There was a problem loading the requested meeting. ","PROBLEM_LOADING_MEETING_TYPE":" There was a problem loading the meeting type. ","SELECT_NEW_TIME":" Select new time ","SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG":"Sorry, something went wrong!","TIME_SLOT_UNAVAILABLE":" The time slot you tried to book became unavailable. Select a new time to continue. ","UNABLE_TO_DETERMINE_HOST":" We cannot determine who the host of the meeting is supposed to be. Please try again. ","UNABLE_TO_LOCATE_MEETING":" We were unable to locate the requested meeting. ","UNKNOWN_ERROR":" An unknown error occurred. Please try again. "},"CALENDAR":{"ERROR_OCCURRED_LOADING_TIMES":" An error occurred loading the meeting times ","LOADING":"Loading...","MEETING_INFO":{"MINUTES":"minutes"},"NO_TIMES_AVAILABLE":" There are no times available for these dates ","RESCHEDULE_A_MEETING":"Reschedule a meeting","SCHEDULE_A_MEETING":"Schedule a meeting","SELECT_DATE_TIME":"Select a date and time","SELECT_DATE_TO_SHOW_TIMES":" Select a date to show times available "},"CANCEL":{"ABOUT_TO_CANCEL":"You are about to cancel the following meeting","CANCEL_MEETING":"Cancel meeting","MEETING_ALREADY_CANCELED":"This meeting has already been canceled","MEETING_CANCELED":"Your meeting has been canceled","PROBLEM_CANCELLING":"There was a problem canceling the meeting. Please try again later.","REASON_FOR_CANCELLING":"Reason for cancelling (optional)","RESCHEDULE_INSTEAD":"Reschedule instead"},"CONFIRMATION":{"BETA_SIGN_UP":"Sign up for beta access and we’ll let you know when it’s ready!","CANCELED":"Meeting Canceled","CONFIRMED":"Confirmed","RESCHEDULED":"Meeting rescheduled","SIGN_UP":"Sign up","WEB_CONFERENCE_DETAILS":"Web conference details will be emailed.","YOU_ARE_SCHEDULED":"You are scheduled with {$INTERPOLATION}"},"CONTACT_FORM":{"CHANGE_MEETING_TIME":" On second thought, I'd like to change the meeting time ","COMMENTS":"Comments","COMPANY_NAME":"Company Name*","EMAIL":"Email *","FIRST_NAME":"First Name *","INVITEE_EMAIL":"Additional guest email(s)","LAST_NAME":"Last Name *","LINKED_IN_URL":"Please provide your LinkedIn URL","NUMBER_OF_EMPLOYEES":"How many Employees do you have?*","PHONE_NUMBER":"Phone Number","SCHEDULE_A_MEETING":"Schedule a meeting","SCHEDULE_MEETING_FOR_DATE_TIME":" Schedule meeting for {$INTERPOLATION} at {$INTERPOLATION_1} {$INTERPOLATION_2}","TELL_US_MORE":"Tell us a bit more about yourself","WEBSITE":"Please provide your website*"},"LANDING_PAGE":{"CONFIRM_MEETING_TIME_ALT":"confirm meeting time","CURRENTLY_IN_BETA":"Book Me Now is currently in beta. Pre-register now to gain first access.","DID_YOU_GET":"Would you like to be one of the first businesses to use our new Meeting Scheduler?","HASSLE_FREE_MEETING_SCHEDULING":"Provide hassle-free appointment scheduling to your customers","HOW_DOES_IT_WORK":"How does it work?","LET_THEM_KNOW":"Sign up for our beta access and we’ll reach out once it’s available!","MEETING_SCHEDULER_CALENDAR_ALT":"meeting scheduler calendar","NO_NEED_TO_LOGIN":" There’s no need to login to check if a meeting has been scheduled. We’ll alert you via email, and automatically add the meeting to your Google Calendar. ","PERSONALIZE_DOMAIN":"Customize the booking experience to fit your unique needs","PROVIDE_ACCESS_TO_BOOKING_PAGE":"Whether it’s a link in an email or a button on your website, providing access to you unique booking page is easy. Once visitors arrive, there’s a simple two-step process to book a meeting with you. ","RECEIVE_EMAIL_ALERTS":"Receive email alerts when meetings are booked","RECEIVE_UNIQUE_LANDING_PAGE":"Create a unique and personalized scheduler by customizing meeting times, submission forms, and URLs that help make the experience memorable and that develops brand recognition.","RETAIN_COMPLETE_CONTROL":"Retain complete control over your availability","SEAMLESSLY_CONNECTS":"Integrates perfectly with all types of businesses","SECURE_MY_SPOT":"Secure my spot!","SET_GENERAL_HOURS":" Set your general hours and restrict specific times depending on your availability. Publicly displayed availability will stay in sync with your Google calendar in real time. ","SHARE_PERSONALIZED_LINK":"Just share your personalized link with anyone"},"LOGO_ALT":"Book Me Now logo","MEETING_TYPE_SELECTION":{"DURATION":"minutes","TITLE":"Select from the options below to add an event to my calendar"},"RESCHEDULE":{"MEETING_RESCHEDULED":"Your meeting has been rescheduled"}}